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Sustainable Garden


Banyan Tree Doha at La Cigale Mushaireb


Our Vision is to do Business for Good: to safeguard the communities and environments where we operate, drive awareness and transformative change in the travel and tourism industry, and through responsible travel support the global sustainability agenda and strengthen the resilience of people and the planet for future generations.

Planet 21

PLANET 21 refers to Agenda 21, an action plan adopted by 173 Heads of State at the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro. It also echoes the urgent need to focus efforts in the 21st century to change our production and consumption patterns with the goal of protecting our planet, its people and their environment.

Guests consider our hotels, as a second home where they can sleep, eat, unwind, etc. This proximity with our guests means we have a unique responsibility; of guaranteeing them quality products and services with a high environmental and social performance. It also means we can forge even stronger bonds around sustainable development issues so that ultimately, we can encourage them to take action with us.

Herbal Garden

At Banyan Tree Doha, we care about the environmental impact that our activities may cause, setting in the course a plan of action to reduce our carbon footprint as much as possible.

Our chefs have initiated a project to start growing their own microgreens. The small microgreens herbal garden supplies the restaurants of the hotel.

Herbal Garden

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